Nintendo is developing a companion smartwatch device called Pokémon Go Plus, designed to help you take part in the Pokémon world without having to stare at your phone all day. The Pokéball-shaped device will vibrate and light up when you get near to a Pokémon in your daily environment.Tsunekazu Ishihara, the CEO of The Pokémon Company, says that he had been working on Pokémon Go with late Nintendo CEO Satoru Iwata for around two years.
It's fair to say that Rockstar Games - the developer behind Grand Theft Auto - isn't happy with the BBC for making The Gamechangers.
The one-off drama film, which aired on Tuesday night (September 15), stars Daniel Radcliffe as Rockstar producer Sam Houser. It follows the company's tricky period while making San Andreas back in 2002.
Daniel Radcliffe's The Gamechangers review: Tense, nostalgic drama is Grand Theft Auto meets The Social Network
As the movie went to broadcast, Rockstar Games sent the BBC the following tweet: "Was Basil Brush busy? What exactly is this random, made up bollocks?"
Rockstar also filed a trademark infringement lawsuit against the BBC, as reported in May, after saying that no-one at the gaming firm was consulted about The Gamechangers.
The film, from director Owen Harris and writer James Wood, did however make it very clear that it is in no way authorised by Rockstar.
The one-off drama film, which aired on Tuesday night (September 15), stars Daniel Radcliffe as Rockstar producer Sam Houser. It follows the company's tricky period while making San Andreas back in 2002.
© BBC / Moonlighting NNN Productions
Daniel Radcliffe's The Gamechangers review: Tense, nostalgic drama is Grand Theft Auto meets The Social Network
As the movie went to broadcast, Rockstar Games sent the BBC the following tweet: "Was Basil Brush busy? What exactly is this random, made up bollocks?"
@BBC Was Basil Brush busy? What exactly is this random, made up bollocks?
— Rockstar Games (@RockstarGames) September 15, 2015
Rockstar also filed a trademark infringement lawsuit against the BBC, as reported in May, after saying that no-one at the gaming firm was consulted about The Gamechangers.
The film, from director Owen Harris and writer James Wood, did however make it very clear that it is in no way authorised by Rockstar.
1. Like the smell of your own farts
Source mrwgifs
C'mon, admit it - when you're ALONE, your normally-gross
farts actually smell HELLA good. Don't feel ashamed! EVERYONE likes
their own fart-smells, no matter how poo-tinged they are.
2. Look at your poop for a second before flushing
Speaking of things coming out of your butt - turds. There's
a lot of turd-shame going around nowadays, but we should all try to be a
little more turd-positive, since EVERYONE stares at their turds after
goin' numero dos. Why not get up and marvel at what your body has
created? From long snake-like turds to sloppy pile-o-mud turds, everyone
feels proud that each turd is THEIR turd.
3. Pay a circus clown in crystal meth to drip hot candle wax on your balls
Source giphy
Time to stop pretending like you're the ONLY one who
doesn't do this - EVERYONE knows Droopsy the clown will do pretty much
anything to your balls if you give that motherfucker enough crystal, and
we ALL take advantage of that knowledge by having Droopsy torture our
balls with boiling hot candle wax.
4. Walk down the street listening to music and pretending you're in a movie.
Source wordpress
Pop your earbuds in and walk down the street and it's
instantly like you're in a movie. Indie Rock? Guess you just became the
star of the next Zach Braff hit! John Williams' score to Star Wars?
Whoa, now you're an undercover Jedi in suburban Iowa! Simon and
Garfunkel? Did someone say Coen Bros.-directed coming of age drama?
5. Rawdog that circus clown with ya burnt up dick
Source ildari0n
After Droopsy just goes wild on your balls with the hot
candle wax (and dick, because let's be honest, Droopsy's aim is always a
little off), you and Droopsy are gonna be so horned up (you from the
testicle-melting pain, Droopsy from all the meth) that you GOTTA go
bareback on that junkie circus clown. Everyone does it! Admit it!
6. Make silly faces when you're the only one in an elevator
Souce imactinghere
Ooo, you're the only one on this elevator - cue making a
silly face the second the door closes! Don't worry, we ALL do it -
especially if it's one of those elevators with mirrors on the walls, so
you can SEE the silly faces you're making! And when those elevator doors
open, it's back to business-as-usual...we all do it!
7. Take a shit in a clown's mouth
Yeah, you're a BAD clown, aren't you Droopsy? AREN'T YOU? I'M NOT ALONE IN DOING THIS! EVERYONE DOES THIS!
8. Oh god oh god I asphyxiated a clown by pooping in its mouth
Source tumblr
Fuck fuck fuck we all do this but still fuck fuck fuck
9. Look at the poop in the clown's mouth for a second before going on the run
Source reactiongifs
Weird how you get that sense of pride when you see the
massive turd clogging up Droopsy's trachea. Like, you know turds are
gross and you're a monster who has taken the life of another human being
and the all-consuming shame of what you've done will never subside, but
you can't help but marvel at it. Don't feel embarrassed, we've all done
How often do you see a homeless person on the street asking for money, food, or shelter?
Even though you might have an idea about how they ended up being homeless, you will never know what they would do with what they are asking for until you give it to them.
This homeless man shows us how he would spend a $100 gift. Yes, 100 bucks.
And believe me, it’s not what you think.
You will be touched!
You will also learn to never judge a person based on their appearance only; look further than that!