5 Steps You Must Take to Be Successful in Achieving Your Goals

by 08:41 0 commentaires

Goals: We love them, we hate them, and we should never live without them. So many goals set and so little time to accomplish them or so little drive to pursue them!  How can you actually achieve your goals?
While there isn’t a magic wand that you can simply point at your goals and watch them become realities, you can definitely take steps to ensure you achieve the goals you set. Let’s explore the steps you can take but keep in mind that you are uniquely and wonderfully made; so take what you can use and tailor it to fit your needs. This isn’t a one-size-fits-all kind of deal, it’s about the journey to finding what drives you and keeps you focused on achieving the goals you set for your life.

Step 1: Believe

Believing is an interesting concept: it takes an element of knowledge and faith. You must believe that you can achieve your goals because you have the “knowledge” necessary to achieve them (if you don’t have the knowledge, get it!) and you have the “faith” to pursue them. Believing that you are capable of achieving the goals you set for yourself may be the single most important thing you can do when setting out to achieve your goals. After all, if you don’t believe in yourself, who else will? So, whatever you set your mind to, whatever goal you want to achieve, believe that you have or will have the capacity to achieve it.

Step 2: Do it anyway

At the risk of sounding oh-so-cheesy: think of Phil Collins and the song “Against All Odds” when setting out to achieve your goals. Sure, people may laugh on your face or behind your back, life may ridicule you for having a goal, and you may second guess yourself more than a dozen times, but even if you are “against all odds” when pursuing your goal, do it anyway. You have one life to live, and nothing to lose by trying. You will live no life and lose everything if you don’t try at all.
The amazing world re-known speaker Les Brown is a perfect example of this very important step; after being labeled “educable mentally retarded” Mr. Brown went on to be a broadcast station manager, political commentator and multi-term state representative in Ohio. Sure, everyone around him doubted his intelligence and capabilities, but he continued on and pressed toward his goal. When all odds seemed to have been against him, he did it anyway.

Step 3: Be fearless

Ok, so you believe you can do it, you are doing it against all odds, now, you must strive to be fearless. While there is a good chance that you’ve already messed with your comfort zone if you’ve gotten this far down the steps, in order to achieve your goals, you must cleave on to fearlessness. Why is being fearless so important? Because you will fail many times, and it is only through fearlessness that you will have the courage to face failure and say: “I am moving forward, I am pressing on.”

Step 4: Practice Persistence

In order to achieve success when setting out to reach your goals, it is imperative that you be persistent. You must be persistent not only in following all these steps but also on your strategy to achieve your goals.  Whatever plan you set for yourself in order to achieve your goals, don’t cut yourself any slack. Be persistent in the time you get up, the time you go to sleep, the time you take to plan and the time you take to dream. Persistence will not only keep you standing firm and tall in the face of failure but it will build self-control, a crucial ingredient for success!

Step 5: Be patient

Patience these days is a very rare quality. We are practically born with an inpatient gene, one that carries us through life with the expectation that because our mac & cheese is done in exactly 3 minutes, everything else in life should follow that pattern. Well, this I-want-it-now disease is your biggest threat to achieving your goals. Nothing that is worth pursuing is done in the blink of an eye; it takes times, hard work, and you must definitely be patient. When desperation for the lack of success starts to creep into your soul, practice patience and remind yourself that you have been created for greatness and are endowed with the necessary abilities to succeed in the achieving all your goals.

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